Monday, August 30, 2010


Just want to remind everyone that the deadline for the advance ticket price is September 1. So you can still call for those and if I am on the other line, please leave your number and/or a message. We will call you back.

Also I want to remind those of you who keep up with my blog and facebook postings that I still need photos for the book project I'm doing. And for those of you reading this for the first time I will explain: I am in need of photos of attractions that are now defunct in Sevier County. We know there are thousands of photos out there somewhere in closets, boxes, attics, albums, get the picture (no pun intended). Many of you have been vacationing here in our area off and on for years and most likely have taken a photo or two with some of those old tourist attractions in the background. It doesn't matter if you are in the photo. That would just make it even more interesting.
This book will hopefully be a compilation of information on those old places that we enjoyed (or not) visiting and would like to see again. But, alas, they are no longer around. So...............when you make your plans to come to the festival on the 16th toss those pictures in an envelope and bring them along. I would appreciate it a lot! And if you can't join us, you could mail them to me. Thanks!

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