Thursday, September 4, 2008


Hello to all the festivarians planning to attend the 9th Annual Dumplin Valley Bluegrass Festival. Although it is 2 weeks until "kickoff", we already have the company of a few of our campers. So, it looks like there's going to be some picking and jamming going on as well as a whole lot of preparation for a great show. Joe and I always enjoy visiting with the early birds who come to stay with us prior to the event. During the festival we don't have the time to visit the way we'd like to.
Don't forget about the Wednesday night potluck on the 17th. I know some of you are already planning what you will bring. That is always a fun night.
Here is a "post-festival" note............Paul Williams and the Victory Trio will be performing all the music for the service on Sunday morning, 9/21, at Kodak United Methodist Church (5 min. from here). That is our church and we want to invite everyone to attend that day for the 9am service. We have "bluegrass church" on the 3rd Sunday each month at the 9am service. Dress is casual so you don't have to worry about dressing up. And keep in mind that there is no set check-out time that day so you will have plenty of time to attend the service and then come back and pack up.
Also, the vendor who served breakfast in June will be back and will be there again on Sunday morning so you won't have to cook while you get your rv's ready to roll.
We are looking forward to this year's show and seeing all of our old friends as well as meeting new ones. See you soon!

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